AgencySeptember 15, 2014by Opus Media

Welcome to the Latest Iteration of The Next Big Thing

So lemme start by saying we’ve been bad… really, really bad, about taking our own medicine. Many of you, current and potential partners of ours, have heard us spout off time and time again about how “the only advice Google gives about succeeding with SEO is to consistently create quality content that web users will want to read and share.

Simply put, we’ve had a serious case of House Painter’s Syndrome. While we’ve enjoyed every twist and turn of creating content designed to engage our clients’ audiences — our own halls have started to look a little faded.

Fortunately, the remedy is a simple one: begin, the rest is easy.  So we picked up the brush and roller again and are going to start creating impressive interiors here, in our new home. And in doing so, you never know, a few people might actually copy our palette.

What is The Next Big Thing?

SEO Motives aside, the Next Big Thing is our way of sharing what we’ve learned and find exciting about the perpetually changing landscape of marketing. It’s our break down of marketing as we know it today, where it might go tomorrow, and how all these changes and innovations can be harnessed to  impact your bottom line.

From things like the latest update on Google’s algorithm to 3-D printing we will highlight and put Opus Media’s spin on the change that is a constant in this creative space we call the Internet. By staying on the cutting edge we can help edge our clients further into The Know, as well as the limelight.

…And For Those of You Who Appreciate Brevity

We have devised Creative Juice — a little taste of everything for the channels you wanna use.  We hope to make Creative Juice the place to go and see what inspires us, and in turn, hopefully see things that inspire you — afterall the best ideas are often a collaboration.

It’s a creative bulletin board of content we’ve curated from around the web, through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram currently, with the hopes of adding in more pertinent channels as they become useful to us.



Original Post from June 23, 2011

Welcome to the latest iteration of the next big thing. We’ve blown up our site in order to get started with rebuilding a new one. Recently some serious thought has gone into how to better present our content online and we’ve comprised a plan, found some nifty tools, and of course utilized the best available in technology to bring it all together.

Our biggest goal is to be more concise in delivering relevant content about our passion: Effective Marketing

The main goal of this new site is to be more concise, and to provide a more concise experience to our users. Being in the business of designing and developing websites, we’re looking at this as an opportunity to experiment in creating this new online experience. We’ll look forward to your feedback, and of course helping you to deliver your next big thing online when you’re ready.
